Saturday, February 21, 2009


Azan is a summon for prayer delicately to those who disregard and a reminder to those who perceived and faithfully obeyed the obligation towards their Creator. Believing and understanding the existence of the Creator and It's creation awake us from our incautious life.

The awareness of my existence on this ephemeral (fana') nature, inspired me to explore further to where my destinations will be.

First of all let me begin with a question of, who am I? We need to know who we are. Which one is the real of 'ME' or 'AKU' originate from Allah The Almighty, that will be returned back to HIM?
Is it the one that obviously be seen complete with head, body, hands and legs?.. No, that's only the casing / housing or physical body of us that we lodge in.

We lodged in our casing / housing or physical body that had been created from 4 types of element. Earth, fire, water and wind/air. Without these 4 elements we will not exist. Our flesh is from earth, fire is our blood that flows forming as a fuel and water that we need into our body both for the energy, and wind/air that we inhale(pump in) to generate the cycles. Look at when we are dead, all the 4 elements will be returned back to their origin. Flesh will be returned back to the earth or be eaten by maggots, blood and water that stop flowing, dries out and air will not be pumped in. All that are new to us and will not last forever.
So, the real 'ME' or 'AKU' is our soul blown in by Allah The Almighty into the physical body as an instrument to live and move, to see, to think, to talk etc. That 'ME' or 'AKU' (our soul) will be returned back, for our judgement and reciprocation (pembalasan) by it's Belonging.
That's where the destination will be.